Step by Step (with Gail)

Line Dance Club

For Gail's Website click on link below:

Welcome to Step by Step

Club Officers 

President - Betsy Bratz

VP - Carlene Garst

2nd VP Gail Smith

Secretary - John McMahon

Treasurer - Patricia Kurowski



 Thursday from 5:30-9:00PM 

St Cloud Community Center

Origin of Gail's logo: I danced so much that my boots would get holes in them. I had to have my leather boots resoled every 6 months! One day I decided to take a picture of them with one standing and one laying down so you could see the hole in the bottom of the boot. Tada, LOGO!  I inserted the GS to make it official.


Gail will be teaching some of the popular dances being done in Central Florida and throughout the country. You can dance to ALL types of music! Line dancing is a fun way to exercise and meet new friends! It's also great exercise for your mind! We hope you will come join our line dance family! 

More than a dance lesson... it is fellowship and purpose. This year, as in the past, the club gathered and donated Toys 4 Tots to St Cloud Fire & Rescue.